For additional information, please send us an e-mail by filling out the form below or, contact the school's principal. If you call, please leave a voicemail and it will be answered shortly.
Before contacting us, please read the frequently asked questions below. Due to our volume of e-mails, we may not be able to reply to a message with questions already answered on the site.
Also, please note that the information presented on this site is based on the school's orientation manual, available upon request. Despite our best efforts to keep the site updated, if information on the site differs from the manual, the latter prevails.
Visit the School
École élémentaire publique Mauril Bélanger
307 Montgomery Street
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1L 7W8

Can I register after the registration day?
This depends on the level. Please call the principal to find out or come to the office between 9 and 9:30 a.m. to register.
When are classes held?
Every Saturday morning. See the Calendar for more details.
Where is the school located?
See Location for the address of the school and a map of its surroundings.
When is registration day?
Usually on the second Saturday of September. See Calendar for details.
I've never studied Japanese before. Which class should I start with?
You can begin with the "Beginner 1" class. See Courses for more details.
Do you have classes held at times other than Saturday mornings?
Unfortunately, we only have classes on Saturday mornings.
Is there still room?
This depends on the level. Please call the principal to find out.