We offer courses for children, youth, and adults, payable on registration day or within a few weeks later.
Details are listed below, including an overview of the curriculum and the text books used.
All the courses are given every Saturday morning in two semesters, the first one starting in September and the last one starting in January with the school year finishing in May.
Summer classes are only given by popular demand.
For a detailed agenda of the school, consult our calendar .

Courses for children:
Japanese as a heritage language
Each Semester is 150$
Junior Kindergarten (age 4) – Learning greetings, names of items, & Hiragana.
Senior Kindergarten (age 5) – Learning Hiragana, Katakana, & onomatopoeia (sounds).
Aoba – Children's grade 1 (age 6) – Using the kokugo textbook from
the Ministry of Education in Japan. -
Kodama – Children's grade 2 (age 7) – Using the kokugo textbook from
the Ministry of Education in Japan. -
Hikari – Children's grade 3 (age 8) – Using the kokugo textbook from
the Ministry of Education in Japan. -
Nozomi – Children's grade 4 (age 9) – Using the 3.4 grade Social Studies textbook from
the Ministry of Education in Japan. -
Mizuho – Children's grade 5 (age 10) – Using the 5 grade Social Studies textbook from
the Ministry of Education in Japan. -
Sakura – Children's grade 6 (age 11) – Using the 6 grade Social Studies textbook from
the Ministry of Education in Japan.
Please note our new updated policy regarding late pickups.
Courses for children and youth: Japanese as foreign language
Each Semester is 170$
Youth 1 – Youth (ages 13 to 18) – Beginner level instruction.
Using the text book "Japanese for Young People 1". -
Youth 2 – Youth (ages 13 to 18) – Intermediate level instruction for those who completed Youth 1.
Using the text book "Japanese for Young People 2".

Courses for Adults
Each Semester is 200$
Beginner 1 – Students will be introduced to basic grammar, vocabulary, Hiragana, and Katakana. Using the following textbooks from Sanshu-sha.
"Marugoto Nyumon A1 Katudo" ISBN: 978-4-384-05752-2
"Marugoto Nyumon A1 Rikai" ISBN: 978-4-384-05753-9
Beginner 2 – Students will learn further basic grammar, vocabulary, and Katakana using the following textbooks from Sanshu-sha
"Marugoto Shokyu 1-A2 Kastudo" ISBN: 978-4-384-05754-6
"Marugoto Shokyu 1-A2 Rikai" ISBN: 978-4-384-05755-3
Intermediate 1 – Students will learn roughly 100 Kanji uing the following textbooks from Sanshu-sha
"Marugoto Shokyu 2-A2 Katudo" ISBN 978-4-384-05756-0
"Marugoto Shokyu 2-A2 Rikai" ISBN 978-4-384-05757-7
Intermediate 2 – Students will learn an additional 100 Kanji from Intermediate level 1 using the following textbook from Sanshu-sha
"Marugoto Chukyu 1" ISBN: 978-4-384-05759-1
Advanced 1 – Students will focus on acquiring skills required to pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, levels 4 & 3.
Students learn to recognize and read 500 Kanji. Additionally Lessons will use the following textbook from Sanshu-sha-
"Marugoto Chukyu 2" ISBN: 978-4-384-05760-7​
Advanced 2 – This class is for those who have lived in Japan and have the ability to converse in Japanese using the polite form.
Students will focus on acquiring the skills required to pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, levels 2 & 1.
Students will learn to recognize and read 1200 Kanji.
Summer Classes
The Price for the summer classes will be 160$
These classes are only given by popular demand and are usually held at a location different than the fall school year.
We assess their feasibility towards the end of the second semester ending in May and we decide to which levels and which age groups the classes will be the most appropriate to.
The summer classes are offered for adult students only. Once the decision is made to give summer classes, we will inform the students and the public at school and via our news page.